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The Canada Masq N95 Flat Fold Respirator is designed to provide protection for the user’s respiratory system. It aims to limit exposure to specific airborne particles and infectious materials.

Choosing a Mask or Respirator for Different Situations

Depending on the type of mask and how it is used, masks and respirators can offer varying degrees of protection. The least protective materials are those made of loosely woven cloth, followed by layers of products made of finely woven fabric. Well-fitting disposable surgical masks, and N95s offer the most protection.

A respirator provides stronger filtration than a cloth or procedure mask, and if worn correctly the entire time it is in use, it can offer a higher level of protection. If a mask or respirator doesn't fit well, is worn incorrectly, or is removed frequently, its effectiveness will be reduced. When selecting a mask or respirator that provides higher protection, you should taker your current circumstances and immediate environment into account.


When to wear Respirators

You should wear your respirators in the following circumstances:

  • When caring for someone who is sick

  • If you are more likely to develop a serious illness, such as elderly individuals, persons with certain underlying medical disorders, and immunocompromised people.

  • If you have a job that requires you to interact with a lot of people, especially if not everyone is always wearing a mask.

  • When using crowded vehicles such as buses, trains, airlines etc for an extended period of time.

  • When it is impossible to maintain a physical distance or When you are in a crowded public space, whether indoors or outdoors.

  • If you are not up to date on vaccinations.



Hypoallergenic Non-woven Layer

1. Extra Soft Inner layer

2. Filtration layer

Hypoallergenic Non-woven Layer

3. Outer Layer

Hydrophobic Non-woven Layer

Flat Elastic Earloop

Extra Comfort

​Nose Clip

Increased protection

Proper Use of Respirators

Look at the respirator's fit and the manufacturer's directions before selecting one. The right way to wear, store, clean, and dispose of the respirator should all be covered in these instructions.

It's crucial to put on your respirator correctly so that it creates a seal with your face. Around the borders of the respirator, gaps can allow air containing respiratory droplets to enter and exit. When a respirator is worn with facial hair or is the incorrect size or type, gaps may result.

Most respirators are disposable and ought to be thrown away if they are dirty, broken, or difficult to breathe through.


Differences Between NIOSH and Not NIOSH Respirators

Quality well-fitting N95s offer the highest level of protection.

The difference is that the NIOSH N95 is approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, or NIOSH — the mask-regulating body in the United States.
However, the "95" in the titles refers to the fact that both masks filter and catch 95% of the tiny 0.3 micron airborne particles

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